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Wheeler Ryder


Wheeler first played ultimate frisbee in his high school gym class, but did not start playing for a team until his Freshman year in 2016. Wheeler had very little experience or knowledge of ultimate, and that lead into his growth as an ultimate player today. Wheeler’s love for ultimate lead him to play where and whenever he could, and it is now his favorite sport. Wheeler loves to cut in ultimate, but will step back as handler when the team needs it.  When Wheeler is not tossing plastic, you can find him working out, watching grass grow, using his inhaler, playing prison with lando, slapping the bass, and sometimes you might even find him playing UNO with Chester.


Arik Waldinger


Arik first started playing ultimate frisbee his Junior year at Middleton High School for Red Squadron in Wisconsin. He is in his fourth year of ultimate here at UW La Crosse. He has previously served as development team captain, and webmaster. Outside of ultimate,  he enjoys long walks on the beach with his metal detector, watching youth little league games, and element collecting.

“I am battle-tested bayonets, bro.”

-Charlie Sheen

Jack Nelson


Jack discovered ultimate when he quit football and took up cross country his sophomore year in high school. He was swayed to join the ultimate team there despite already playing three sports. He played 4 sports until his senior year in high school where he dropped down to a measly three. Jack made his first club team when he was 17, playing for the boomtown pandas, a mid level mixed team. He loved ultimate greatly, but he decided to accept a scholarship to play baseball at Aurora University instead and stayed there his freshman, and first semester of his sophomore year. During this time he was unable to play ultimate due to the demands of baseball. Over that summer between his freshman and sophomore year he decided to play club again with boomtown where he, again, found his passion for ultimate. Realizing his potential and love for ultimate was greater than the path he had in baseball he decided to transfer to a college with ultimate. He came upon La Crosse and decided to meet up with the team and see how they were in the fall. After playing with them in the fall, he already had formed great chemistry with the team and knew this would be his new home. Jack is now in his junior (ish) year and after a semester with the team he was elected to become one of the captains for BadLuc. Jack is planning on majoring in sports management and is currently playing club ultimate with Noise.



Head Coach

Jake "krutch" kretschmer got his first taste of ultimate playing as another method to train for cross-country. He quickly fell in love with the amounts of moving was done on top of the speed required to make big plays. After failing to make the cross-country team at La Crosse, his love of sports pushed him to try sports like rugby and basketball both of which he loved very much but couldn't compete with. In his junior year ultimate provided him an outlet to make new friends keep his competitive Spirit and stay in shape. After quickly falling in love with the more structured version of the sport, his dedication pushed him to become the captain for his second and third year on the team at UWL. Although only playing 3 years in college krutch continues to play on club team Mojo Jojo which he captained for one year and has been handling on ever since. He will coach la crosse's men team for a second year as an individual development coach looking to assist Coach Dornbush as well as interact to improve all players on the team at an individual personalized level. In his spare time, he delivers pizzas, plays guitar, and lives the life of a bachelor that is dating a wonderful girl. So not a bachelor. But its a bachelor lifestyle. Make what you will of it.


Krutch 84:69



Assistant Coach

The year was 1999. Bold things were happening. It was a historic time that saw the debut of Napster, Spongebob, and The Matrix.  It was also the first time Christopher took to an Ultimate field - bare feet and all. Fast forward a decade or so and Christopher has found his way to La Crosse and became engaged in more organized Ultimate, playing on an ephemeral local mixed team and also becoming an Observer.  Chris is considered a premier Observer who works national championship events.  He started volunteering with BadLUC in the fall of 2015, coming on as an assistant coach the following year.  In his spare time he has a full time job as a teacher, and spends his evening cleaning burs from his dog.

Austin 3:16

Sam Wood

Assitant Coach

Sam’s involvement in ultimate dates back to 2002.  As a card-carrying lifetime member of USAU, neé UPA, he’s worn pretty much every hat in ultimate: player, captain, coach, observer (including Regional Observer Coordinator and Observer Trainer), Tournament Director, and local governance (serving as President for two communities).  Recent highlights include working the Ironside/Revolver Men’s Club final, guiding UWL women’s team to sixth place at College Regionals, and scoring on eventual Grand Master’s national champion Surly.  In his non-ultimate life, Sam dotes on his dog, cooks his partner good food, and is learning to tolerate trail running.



Team Mascot

Pushing through the thick haze in the cavern, Unterholz sheathed his sword and drew a deep breath. Knowing that the fate of his people rested on the coming battle with the she-bear, he wanted his hands dry and his mind clear. With nerves on edge, he crept forward and into the den. He had prepared for everything - everything but the smell. You might have thought it repulsing, but at times The Provider likes to surprise you. As he progressed, the fragrances of rosemary, thyme, in fact an entire bouquet of faraway spices wafted into his nostrils. As his nose led him out of the passageway, the hilt of his sword clanged against a rock jutting from the wall. As the she-bear turned towards him, her unfinished sandwich dropped to the floor - never to be finished.
They ended up entangled that night, but in ways they never would have thought possible. They had but one night together, but it was enough for a thousand lifetimes.
Nine weeks later a litter was born on a rocky outcropping, surrounded by newly united creatures of the forest. Passing in childbirth, the she-bear summoned her remaining energies to name the last to be birthed. "Chester..." she proclaimed. It was the last word on her lips and the first to the young pup's ears.
Yearning to understand his origins, Chester spent the remaining years of his life searching the lands - and many an Ultimate sideline - for the remains of that unfinished sandwich dropped so long ago.


Landon Kokach


Hi I'm Lando and I would much rather stay in and watch Star Wars or play Minecraft with my friends from 東京 and Sudan than go to the Library. I also worked for a moving company over the summer where I primarily moved shelves. 

All hail overlord Greg Marcus 

Ethan Fenelon

Public Relations and Social Media Expert

Ethan first became interested in ultimate in high school when he saw Brodie Smith doing trick shots and decided to do trick shots himself. Ethan and one of his friends even created an Instagram account to show the world their amazing trick shots. At the accounts peak it had a whole 326 followers. The most likes on one post reached a whopping 51 likes. Before college Ethan only threw around a frisbee and did trick shots but always had an interest in the sport. Ethan got involved with BadLuc the first week of freshman year and this is going to be his third year playing on the team. Other hobbies include rock climbing, fishing, hammocking, and backpacking.

Follow my trick shot page on insta @_allaroundtrickshots_


Andrew Ericson

Debt Collector

Hi I’m Andrew. I’m from Madison, WI and am currently a sophomore here at UWL. I’ve been playing ultimate for the past 4 years. I’ve played on teams like Madmen, MUFABOTS and my high school team west ultimate. I’m a handler but have cutting experience. If you have any questions as you play, don’t be afraid to ask me about them. I’d be happy to help!


Alec Burgoyen

Vice President

Alec started playing ultimate frisbee in his senior year of high school. Shortly after coming to college, he joined the BadLuc squad. This is his second year on the team and first-time officer. He is currently working towards a bachelor’s degree in Accounting and Information Systems. Outside of ultimate, he enjoys camping, watching sports, and hanging out with friends. 


Hunter Froehlich

Volunteer/ Event Coordinator

Hunter started playing ultimate in Boy Scouts, but didn't play seriously until freshman year of college. He enjoys video games, relaxing and running when he doesn't play.

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